Volvo V70 | Atlanta, GA 30350 | YV1LW55A8X2611896 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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1999  Volvo  V70
VIN: YV1LW55A8X2611896

Last Reported Mileage: 184,799
Exterior Color: White
Interior Color: Light Taupe
Certified by: PriceClubCars

Vehicle located in Atlanta, GA 30350
Vehicle Options
Plastic/vinyl steering wheel trim,Keyfob remote trunk release,Front and rear reading lights,Cloth seat upholstery,Bucket front seats,Rear bench,Tilt and telescopic steering wheel,Dual front air conditioning zones,Power remote driver mirror adjustment,Heated driver mirror,Heated passenger mirror,Remote power door locks,Power windows,Cruise control,External temperature display,Tachometer,Power steering,Suspension class: Regular,4-wheel ABS Brakes,Front Ventilated disc brakes,Passenger airbag,Side airbag,Daytime running lights

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