Nissan Armada | Charlotte, NC 28273 | 5N1BA0NCXDN612381 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2013  Nissan  Armada
VIN: 5N1BA0NCXDN612381

Recent Asking Price: $55,445
Estimated Payment: $924
Exterior Color: Galaxy Black

Vehicle located in Charlotte, NC 28273
Vehicle Options
Rear Air Conditioning With Separate Controls,60-40 Third Row Seat,Trailer Hitch,Remote Power Door Locks,Power Windows,Cruise Controls On Steering Wheel,Cruise Control,4-Wheel Abs Brakes,Front Ventilated Disc Brakes,1St,2Nd And 3Rd Row Head Airbags,Passenger Airbag,Side Airbag,Braking Assist,Power Adjustable Pedals,Abs And Driveline Traction Control,Stability Control

City MPG: 12
Highway MPG: 18

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