Jeep Patriot | Portland, OR 97223 | 1J4FT28B59D194771 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2009  Jeep  Patriot
VIN: 1J4FT28B59D194771

Recent Asking Price: $14,477
Estimated Payment: $241
Last Reported Mileage: 24,122
Exterior Color: Red
Interior Color: Dark Slate Graylight Pebble Be
Certified by: PriceClubCars

Vehicle located in Portland, OR 97223
Vehicle Options
Power Steering,Front Bucket Seats,Cloth Upholstery,Am/Fm Stereo - Cd,(Abs) Anti-Lock Braking System,Esp Traction Control,Dual Air Bags,Cruise Control,Air Conditioning,Rear Window Wiper,Deluxe Wheel Covers,Reclining Seats,Center Arm Rest,Side Air Bags,Anti Theft/Security System,Tachometer,Tilt Steering Wheel,Fold Up/Down Rear Seating,Rear Defroster

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