Jeep Patriot | Patchogue, NY 11772 | 1J4NT1GAXBD119830 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2011  Jeep  Patriot
VIN: 1J4NT1GAXBD119830

Recent Asking Price: $17,921
Estimated Payment: $299
Last Reported Mileage: 18,207
Exterior Color: Natural Green Pearlcoat
Interior Color: Gray

Vehicle located in Patchogue, NY 11772
Vehicle Options
AM/FM,Adjustable Steering Wheel,Air Conditioning,Anti-lock Brakes,Aux Audio Adapter,CD (Single Disc),Cloth Upholstery,Cruise Control,Front Airbags (Dual),Front and Rear Side Airbags,Heated Mirrors,Heated Seats,MP3,Power Locks,Power Mirrors,Power Seat (Dual),Power Steering,Power Windows,Premium Wheels,Privacy Glass,Tinted Windows,Traction/Stability Control

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