Ford Explorer | Waukegan, IL 60085 | 1FMZU73K83ZA88308 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2003  Ford  Explorer
VIN: 1FMZU73K83ZA88308

Recent Asking Price: $5,980
Estimated Payment: $100
Last Reported Mileage: 136,716
Exterior Color: Silver Birch Metallic
Interior Color: Midnight Gray

Vehicle located in Waukegan, IL 60085
Vehicle Options
Leather Steering Wheel Trim,Plastic/rubber shift knob trim,Compass,Front and rear reading lights,Cloth seat upholstery,Front sport seat,Rear bench,Tilt-adjustable steering wheel,trailer hitch,Power remote driver mirror adjustment,Fuel Consumption: Highway: 21 mpg,Remote,digital keypad power door locks,Power windows,Cruise controls on steering wheel,Cruise control,External temperature display,Tachometer,Auxilliary transmission cooler,4-wheel ABS Brakes,Front Ventilated disc brakes,Passenger airbag,Anti-theft alarm system

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