Vehicle Options Remote Power Door Locks,Power Windows,4-Wheel Abs Brakes,Front Ventilated Disc Brakes,1St And 2Nd Row Curtain Head Airbags,Passenger Airbag,Side Airbag,Audio System Security,Digital Audio Input,In-Dash Single Cd Player,Mp3 Player,Am/Fm/Satellite Radio,Radio Data System,Speed Sensitive Audio Volume Control,Total Number Of Speakers: 6,Intercooled Turbo,Braking Assist,Abs And Driveline Traction Control,Stability Control: With Anti-Roll Control,Privacy Glass: Light,Driver And Passenger Knee Airbags,Dash Trim: Cloth/Metal-Look,Metal-Look Center Console Trim,Trip Computer,External Temperature Display,Tachometer,Power Remote Driver Mirror Adjustment,Power Remote Passenger Mirror Adjustment,Compass,Daytime Running Lights